Friday Fives… he says it used to be a farm, before the motor law

Meet The Minotto Barchetta, A Carbon-Bodied, Ferrari V12-Propelled Homage  To The 1950s - Petrolicious Petrolicious

If you were about to be executed, what would your final words be?

Use your turn signals.  Please. I love you all, but really… use your turn signals or kill yourselves.  It costs nothing.  It doesn’t use up any resources or take up gas or energy.  If in doubt… do it.  Not just on the road, either… everywhere.. parking lots… getting into and out of your own driveway.  Perhaps you think ‘well, I’m in the left hand turning lane, so its obvious that what I am doing.  I don’t need to broadcast that.”  Yes, yes you do!  please!

 If countries are people, which one will be the best roommate and why?

Easy.  Canada.  Smells like trees, unfailingly polite, and always funny.

 What’s one thing that is worth spending money on once a month?

Ice cream?  I don’t get this question.  Plus, I have Rush in my head since the last question.  Since I have Rush in my head, it means this song.  I LOVE this song.  It doesn’t get radio play, but its from their golden ‘Moving Pictures’ era.  I have learned subsequent to my youth that I missed about half the lyrics.

 What is a newish lifehack you have discovered  that has changed your life?

Rubbing raw garlic directly on your toasted bread.  This changes the whole bruschetta game, and mostly only works at home.  If you have very freshly toasted good bread… it works as a grater to an opened clove of garlic.  Rub that garlic up and down the bread.  Now… hit it again with dash of olive oil, and then some kind of tomato paste.  Just had this an hour ago, but discovered it only in the last year or so.

 You have 1 hour and $1 million in just 1 store. Where are you going?

Camperworld, is that a place?  Some place that sells Prevost.  Prevost buses are THE gold standard.   Even the President uses one.  This one is called ‘Ground Force One’, and its super sweet!   OR… a Guitar Center.  I certainly don’t need any more guitars, but I would definitely pick up a few top end PRS guitars.  Oh boy, that is a lot of guitar p0rn.  After looking at the platinum collection, I need to go clean myself off.  Tell me you wouldn’t just marry this guitar if you could.


*** that pic up there?  It’s not a mandala, no.  Doesn’t need to be.  It’s better.  That is an actual red Barchetta.  Now you get not only why Rush wrote a song about it, but their entire future vision of joy and hope revolves around this car.  Good choice.  That is some sexy shit up there!


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