Friday Fives and then a Trump rant

Colorful Two Layer Cheesecake (No Artificial Dyes!) [Vegan, Raw,  Gluten-Free]

What was your favorite magazine to read as a teenager?

Rolling Stone

What’s a great song with misunderstood/unintelligible lyrics?

Lots of Bob Marley stuff.

What’s a now “obsolete” technology you miss?

DVDs.  When you bought a DVD, you didn’t just get the movie.  To entice you, they would add hours of extra stuff.  I miss all of those featurettes and behind the scenes stuff that came with DVDs.   Now, when you watch a movie… that is all you get… the movie.

What makes people age the most?


Who is your favorite Lee?

Tommy. Definitely not Sara Lee.  Sara Lee is an uppity… well just read this.  🙂

ok, I feel that post above was anemic.  You deserve more content.  That isn’t really what’s below, but I just have to rant.

Can I tell you a difference between the right and left?  And why I think.. Er.. know… that we are morally superior.  People on the right say things like ‘liberals hate America!’.  I have had my own family member (yes, a Trumper) tell me that.  Fuck it pisses me off to no end.  Once someone says something like that… I can’t take them seriously ever again.  Anything and everything they say subsequent to that is just white noise.  No, we don’t hate America you assholes.

I would not say that about your side.  I would not say ‘Republicans hate America’.  I know you love America just as I do, we just disagree on how it should be administered.  I just remembered this quote, which is SO perfect.  Somewhere in one of his many books, he explained “Conservatives love America like its a newborn baby, that it is beautiful and perfect and can do no wrong.  Liberals love America like its a teenager.  Still unconditionally, but know it needs to be smacked around now and again, and watched closely.”

That is my paraphrasing, but its a perfect thought.  I want to get this in writing now, so I can go back in 2 years and yell “I told you so”.  The person Trump picks is going to be extremely influential.  Rumors are it will be a female, well she will be president.  Why?  Trump might beat Biden, because Biden is so old and frail it’s really creepy and sad to watch him.  He will get my vote, but no one is excited about him, and he should have stepped down.  Anyhow, if Trump wins, there is NO way he will finish his term.  He is a criminal psychotic narcissist, and will be removed from office before he finishes.

What drives me maybe the most nuts, he takes NO accountability for ANYTHING.  He denies everything.  130 felony indictments, and he fully believes he is innocent of 100% of al

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