the ballad of Gus

I had a cat I loved.  We all did, and do.  Here is one of those stories.  Miles was my cat I took from Flagstaff after college (when we moved to Denver).  I called him Miles because he was dark black, and very cool.  Get it?  A Miles Davis reference.

Many years later, we got Rufus the hound dog.  Hopefully, I can still find pics of these two on my phone.  If you know me in person, then you may recall Rufus is the one who bit my face off in a freak accident.  No, I did not put Roofie down when that happened.  Rufus used to LOVE chasing Miles.  He never hurt Miles, though.  We left them home together loose in the house when we would go to work.  Turns out that Miles didn’t find this nearly as adorable as we did.  He disappeared.  Cats do that, so I don’t recall being too worried.  One time, about 10 years earlier, he took off for a terrifying 3 weeks when we lived in Cap hill. This photo is the real Rufus (not a stock photo, like the one for the cat above).


So, Miles is gone and one day I swear I see him next door.  The very nice, and very old, lady who lived directly next door had a second story patio, so we could easily see it.  After being gone a couple of weeks… I saw Miles up there.  I called him, and he reacted.  BUT… crucially… he did not come home.  Is that my cat?  Did Ruth steal my fucking cat?  I LOVE Ruth.  If Ruth needs the cat, she can have him.  It’s a good low maintenance pet for her.  

But she did steal him?  We lived next to Ruth for many years, and we were very friendly.  I’d change light bulbs and lift stuff and such for her.  So, I go to her door.  Hi Ruth.  Do you… um… have my cat?  Miles?  


He’s long hair black, kinda shiny?  I thought I saw him on your balcony.

Oh… yes.  You mean Gus?  He’s in his room, I’ll go get him.

I mean… who can blame Miles? Or… Gus? Not only is a dog not trying to kill him daily.. he is prolly getting wet food daily.. and has his own room! Well played, Gus!

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