A liberal’s rant about LOVE for America

3x5ft 2-ply polyester American Flag (Most Popular Size)

*** Update

As I was typing this too long didn’t read mess below… the very seconds I was typing this… Trump was being found guilty on all 34 felony charges in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial.  Tee hee hee, that made me very happy.  If you are a Trumper, note he was NOT convicted for cheating on his wife, nor buying her silence.  That is his personal business.  He was convicted for lying about it, moving the money around, and ultimately using Federal Campaign funds to pay for it. THAT was the crime.

Can I tell you why I think (some, or most) liberals are better than conservatives?  First, let me just say I’ll speak for myself.  Most liberals are annoying.  I feel morally superior because I see the other side.  I get it, their philosophy.  I don’t agree with it, but I get it.  Their side doesn’t.  I have some family and friends who are Trumpers.  They have told me to my face that “liberals hate America”.  Fuck this angers me so heavily my blood pressure just shot up.  No we don’t.  And I would NEVER say that about their side.  Even GW Bush – who I used to think was the most evil person alive until Trump came along – I never suspected he hated America, or was out to ruin it.  Their side just has a different philosophy.  I get it. 

Let’s lay it out as I see it.  Liberals (myself) think that it is the govt’s job to help out, and butt in, on moral issues.  And, that corporations should be held accountable for their impact on society.  Their side thinks it is most definitely not the govt’s job to take care of anyone.  Similarly, they think business needs to be left alone at every single level to do whatever they possibly can to succeed.  Not because they are evil, but because they feel letting businesses be left alone to succeed creates wealth and jobs… for everyone.  This last sentence is the fabled ‘trickle down theory’ that goes back at least to Reagan.  No, it goes back to the father of economics… the name escapes me.

Thing is, that has been disproven.  If you let the super rich left alone, they won’t create more opportunity, they will hoard it.  I just want to say to the world, again… I get it.  I get we are a pain in the ass, and we sometimes slow progress in the name of health or morality.  Like, I will admit the Dems have destroyed manufacturing in the US.  Everything is done overseas, because there is less regulation.  Why did we do that?  We don’t love the middle class?  Or workers?  No, because things like the Cleveland river catching on fire.   Or… ‘Love Canal’ which is a planned home community in Buffalo built on nuclear waste.  You should definitely look that shit up if you haven’t heard of it.  I’m from Buffalo.  So it’s possible I wouldn’t have heard of it either.  Politics used to be about policy.  Now, with Trump… that is out the window.  Trump doesn’t have policy or philosophy… he has himself.  

Lastly, can I say I get why some types are righties.  If you are a small business owner, I get if you hate Democrats.  Don’t think I have met one that didn’t.  It’s because we put too much in the way. It’s dumb.  What I don’t get is why super religious people are always righties.  Jesus made his name, and got whacked, for advocating for the poor and and blasing banks as the most evil thing possible.  Jesus didn’t believe in riches, remember the quote… something about ‘a rich man will have a tougher time getting into heaven than threading .  Scratch that, I should source this one, it’s a pretty big point.

I repeat: it is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

  • Matthew 9:24

Jesus was most definitely a liberal by every definition.  Feed the world, forgive everyone, banks are assholes, don’t be rich.  

Also, ALL military people are Republicans.  I can only assume this comes down to guns, and their fear we are going to take them.  Which has never happened.  Yes, there was a ban on assault rifles.  That came from Reagan, you jackasses.  And Bush Jr said if it was the will of the people he would ban them.  But the NRA chased him off that philosophy.  That was about 300 school shootings ago.  Thanks, NRA.  Remember when the NRA was all about gun control, and gun safety?  Yeah, that was their jam until the 80s.

I’ve quoted this before, and I’ll do it again because its never been said better, or more succinctly.  

“We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Adult love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow.”  – Al Franken

In closing, be a liberal or a conservative.  Follow your heart.  But don’t you dare say, or even think, that I am less American or am working against America.  And yes, that is an American Flag on my property.  And it’s better than yours!  I get those good flags where they stars are actually stitched in.  and my flag is replaced the second it frays!  (looking in your direction, Tom)

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